[03-Nov-2022 06:55:19 America/New_York] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(http://ipinfo.io/ failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 429 Too Many Requests in /home/oaesv/dev.oaesv.org/assets/core/meta.php on line 36 Training & Technical Assistance – Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
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Supporting the Education & Capacity of Ohio’s Rape Crisis Centers

OAESV is pleased to offer ongoing technical assistance and training opportunities for rape crisis program advocates, prevention specialists, program administrators, and allied professionals throughout Ohio.

Technical Assistance

OAESV offers free technical assistance to providers in Ohio regarding the following topics and needs:

  • Best practices and program standards
  • Grant writing and reporting
  • Administrative policies and sample MOUs
  • Research and data related to sexual violence
  • Serving marginalized survivors and communities
  • Public policy advocacy

OAESV is available to provide technical assistance via phone, email, or (in some circumstances) in-person. To request technical assistance, please contact us today at info@oaesv.org.


OAESV is pleased to offer training opportunities throughout the year on a variety of topics related to the prevention of and response to sexual violence. For more information about training opportunities, or to request training in your community, please contact us at training@oaesv.org. Visit Training & Events for upcoming training opportunities.

Annual Needs and Resources Assessment (NARA), 2019

Advocates, we want to hear from you! Each year, OAESV distributes a “Needs And Resources Assessment (NARA)” to learn about the training, technical assistance, and related needs of professionals providing advocacy services to survivors of sexual violence. We sincerely value your feedback and hope you will take the opportunity to share it with us. Please access the NARA for Advocates survey here.

The survey is anonymous and does not ask for program or staffing statistics. Your input is very important to us! Please complete the survey and share it widely with others who provide sexual violence advocacy. Multiple responses from an organization are welcomed and encouraged. The deadline to complete the survey is August 30th, 2019. Please contact us if you have any questions.

***Everyone who completes the NARA will have the opportunity for their name to be entered into a drawing for a FREE ticket to this year’s OAESV annual fundraiser, Shine the Light, which will be held on September 21st!***

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6111O Oak Tree Blvd., Suite 140
Independence, OH 44131

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